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A packed audience greeted the players of the Cuckfield Dramatic Society when the curtain opened on 7 October in Scaynes Hill Memorial Hall.

Once again the Club was back to self-catering, this time by a team from our newer lady members, led by Karen and Jan. The menu was a delicious selection of appetisers, followed by a perfectly cooked boeuf bourgignon with fresh vegetables.

Almost the highlight of the evening was the auction of puddings, brought by club members. This was a first and it raised over £400. Beats a raffle as you consume the prize immediately.

The Cuckfield Dramatic Society not only put on a highly entertaining performance, but they fielded 30 members of the audience – clearly a popular outfit.

Together with the proceeds from a well-stocked bar, run by Ian Emmins, the evening raised £1,800. Congratulations are due to Jan Bradbury for masterminding (mistressminding?) the event from the start and to the newer members who were determined to demonstrate their capability.



SFN PosterTickets are going fast for this popular annual event to be held on Friday 17 March at Queen’s Hall, Cuckfield; 7 for 7:30 pm.

As well as a delicious 2-course supper and a hilarious film – Buster Keaton in The Cameraman, there will be a bar and a raffle with plenty of good prizes.

Tickets are £20 from David Butcher, Tel: 01444 870 999 – BOOK NOW