Gary Wall Holds Forth


We get an update every couple of years from the Leader of Mid Sussex Council. He told us that despite now receiving zero funding from the government MSDC have managed to desist from raising Council tax until the last couple of years when only very modest rises had to be implemented.

Gary described some of the way in which costs had been reduced. For example, grass verges cut twice instead of four times a year. Interestingly this also helps the wild flora and fauna to thrive. It does sometimes cause problems of visibility for drivers when coming out of a side turning

This appears to be in stark contrast to Surrey County Council which is holding a referendum on whether or not Council Tax should be raised 15% in order to better fund social care for the elderly and disabled. One response to this was from John O’Connell, Chief Executive of the TaxPayers’ Alliance, who said: “Surrey County Council should hang their heads in shame. Surrey residents will have seen their council tax go up by around 85 per cent in the last two decades and have every right to feel that their local representatives have let them down once again.”


HEADS ON – Support for Mental Health

Heads On ChequeCommunity Service Committee Chair, Professor Judith Pratt (right) has made club members aware of the needs of people with mental health problems which are desperately in need of support.

Via the Heads-On organisation the Club donated £3,000 which has gone to updating the reception of the Linwood Community Mental Health Centre, Haywards Heath, art materials for Bluebell House which specialises in personality disorders and Hellingly, Hailsham for photographic equipment to help mentally unwell offenders.


Bonfire Collector 2

Once again 10 stalwart members turned out to join the team of collectors on 5 November, including Hugh Castle with his little daughter. The weather was fine, the ground dry, the wind light and it was not too cold.

The collection was for the following charities:

 Chestnut Tree House CLAPA  Orchard House Kangaroos RDA

The title for the Champion Collector went to Steve Minter who managed to con £533.65 out of the gullible punters. Could we say he cheated by using a high-tech flashlight on a stick to illuminate his bucket? The total collected was around £7,000 of which £2159 was from the efforts of the 10 stalwarts.

  • A sparkling effort by all concerned