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A packed audience greeted the players of the Cuckfield Dramatic Society when the curtain opened on 7 October in Scaynes Hill Memorial Hall.

Once again the Club was back to self-catering, this time by a team from our newer lady members, led by Karen and Jan. The menu was a delicious selection of appetisers, followed by a perfectly cooked boeuf bourgignon with fresh vegetables.

Almost the highlight of the evening was the auction of puddings, brought by club members. This was a first and it raised over £400. Beats a raffle as you consume the prize immediately.

The Cuckfield Dramatic Society not only put on a highly entertaining performance, but they fielded 30 members of the audience – clearly a popular outfit.

Together with the proceeds from a well-stocked bar, run by Ian Emmins, the evening raised £1,800. Congratulations are due to Jan Bradbury for masterminding (mistressminding?) the event from the start and to the newer members who were determined to demonstrate their capability.