Parachute jump rewarded

Parachute jump rewardedCarol Taylor is presented by President Jaime Wallden with two cheques for £250 each for her charities, Winston’s Wish and the Meningitis Research Foundation, in recognition of her skydive in aid of these charities. More details to follow…

Collecting for Marie Curie

Collecting for Marie CurieWell kitted-out in his bright daffodil-yellow strip, here’s Bernard Jarvis, one of the Club’s collectors attracting donations for the Marie Curie charity outside the Co-op in Lindfield High Street.

Every year the Club takes part in this activity to add to the funds of Marie Curie which offers care, guidance and support to people with terminal illnesses and their families.

Presentation to Children’s Respite Trust

Respite Trust

Vice-president Karen Looker presents a cheque for £2,500 to Gavin Fisher, Chief Executive of the Children’s Respite Trust who at one of the February meetings gave members a comprehensive view of the charity’s work helping to improve the lives of children with profound learning and physical difficulties through short family breaks throughout Sussex, Surrey and Kent.

The President’s Walk

President's WalkAnother happy band of President’s walkers shown here at Firle Beacon about to set off (or shilly-shally, in the words of leader for the day Karen Looker) to the top.

Survivors from the first walks in 1994 and still striding out in 2016 are Chris Kinnear (disguised here as a simple French peasant) and Moira, and also lurking at the back Carole and former member Cameron Sharp.